The Role of Religious Leaders in Social Development and Religious Harmony: A Historical Sociological Study of Islamic Religious Leaders in the 21st Century
Religious leaders, Social development, Religious harmony, 21st centuryAbstract
The focus of this research discusses the role of religious leaders in social development and religious harmony in the 21st century. The approach used in this research uses an interdisciplinary approach, the method used uses qualitative research. This research was conducted in Banyumas Regency. The subjects of this research were family, colleagues, students, and community leaders who witnessed the lives of Banyumas religious figures who died in the 21st century. The data collection techniques were documentation, participant observation, and in-depth interviews. The analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive analysis. The conclusion of the research reveals that religious figures, especially in Banyumas, have a very important role in the fields of social religion, education, politics, and even economics. They have a great contribution to the development of social religion in Banyumas.
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