International Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy
International Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy (IJCP), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Internasional Konseling dan Psikoterapi) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of counseling and psychotherapy. The journal Aims to promote excellence through dissemination of high-quality research findings, and provide a platform for Researchers, Academicians, Professionals, Counselors, Psychiatrists, Students and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in the field of counseling and psychotherapy through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: International Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Parallel Title: Jurnal Internasional Konseling dan Psikoterapi
Initial: IJCP
Abbreviation: Int. J. Couns. Psychother.
Publication Frequency: Triannual (3) times a year i.e. in April, August and December
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3064-3465, Print ISSN 3064-271X, ISSN International Centre
Language: English
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Counseling, Psychotherapy, Counseling psychology, --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Indonesian Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning
Indonesian Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning (IJITL), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Inovatif Indonesia) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of teaching and learning. The journal Aims to promote excellence through the dissemination of high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, Academicians, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in the field of teaching and learning through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: Indonesian Journal of Innovative Teaching and Learning
Parallel Title: Jurnal Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Inovatif Indonesia
Initial: IJITL
Abbreviation: Indones. J. Innov. Teach. Learn.
Publication Frequency: Biannual (2) times a year i.e. in February and August
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3048-3816, Print ISSN 3062-9772, ISSN International Centre
Language: English, Indonesian
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Science education, Teaching, Learning, Teacher, Students, Schools, --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling Studies
Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling Studies (IJGCS), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Indonesia Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of guidance and counseling studies. The journal Aims to promote excellence through the dissemination of high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, Academicians, Counselors, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in the field of guidance and counseling studies through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: Indonesian Journal of Guidance and Counseling Studies
Parallel Title: Jurnal Indonesia Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling
Initial: IJGCS
Abbreviation: Indones. J. Guid. Couns. Stud.
Publication Frequency: Triannual (3) times a year i.e. in February, June and October
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3063-038X, Print ISSN 3063-0363, ISSN International Centre
Language: English, Indonesian
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Guidance and Counseling, School Counselor, Career Counseling, --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions, --> Show more
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Indonesian Journal of Research in Islamic Studies
Indonesian Journal of Research in Islamic Studies (IJRIS), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Indonesia Penelitian Studi Islam) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of Islamic studies. The journal Aims to promote excellence through the dissemination of high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, academics, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners worldwide to promote and discuss new issues and developments in Islamic studies through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: Indonesian Journal of Research in Islamic Studies
Parallel Title: Jurnal Indonesia Penelitian Studi Islam
Initial: IJRIS
Abbreviation: Indones. J. Res. Islam. Stud.
Publication Frequency: Triannual (3) times a year i.e. in March, July and November
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3063-4555, Print ISSN 3063-9573, and ISSN International Centre
Language: English, Indonesian
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Islamic Studies, History of Islam, Islamic Philosophy, Quranic Studies, Hadith, --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Indonesian Journal of Character Education Studies
Indonesian Journal of Character Education Studies (IJCES), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Indonesia Kajian Pendidikan Karakter) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of character education studies. The journal Aims to promote excellence through disseminating high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, Academicians, Counselors, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in character education through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: Indonesian Journal of Character Education Studies
Parallel Title: Jurnal Indonesia Kajian Pendidikan Karakter
Initial: IJCES
Abbreviation: Indones. J. Character Educ. Stud.
Publication Frequency: Biannual (2) times a year, i.e. in March and September
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3063-0401, Print ISSN 3063-1513, ISSN International Centre
Language: English, Indonesian
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Character Education, Moral Character, Value Education, --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Journal of Gender and Millennium Development Studies
Journal of Gender and Millennium Development Studies (JGMDS), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Kajian Gender dan Pembangunan Milenium) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of gender and millennium development studies. The journal Aims to promote excellence through the dissemination of high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, Counselors, Academicians, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in the field of gender and millennium development through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: Journal of Gender and Millennium Development Studies
Parallel Title: Jurnal Kajian Gender dan Pembangunan Milenium
Initial: JGMDS
Abbreviation: J. Gend. Millenn. Dev. Stud.
Publication Frequency: Biannual (2) times a year i.e. in May and November.
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3063-3850, Print ISSN 3063-3842, ISSN International Centre
Language: English, Indonesian
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Gender Studies, Gender Equality, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning Research
Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning Research (JETLR), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran), (ISSN International Centre, E-ISSN XXXX-XXXX and P-ISSN XXXX-XXXX) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of learning, teaching and education. JETLR Aims to promote excellence through the dissemination of high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, Academicians, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in in the field of learning, teaching and education through a scientific approach. The journal Focuses on learning, teaching and education issues, with the main subject covering the implementation of teaching and learning in Schools and Higher Education.
JETLR's published with the frequency of four (4) times a year, i.e. in January, April, July and October. All submitted manuscripts will be processed and selected by the journal editorial team and reviewed by the reviewer team through a double-blind review process to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Scientific Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
Scientific Research Journal of Multidisciplinary (SRJM), (in Indonesian: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmiah Multidisiplin) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of science through a Multidisciplinary Scientific The Journal Aims to promote excellence through dissemination of high-quality research findings, and provide a platform for Researchers, Academicians, Professionals, Teachers, Students and Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in the field of multidisciplinary through a scientific approach. The journal Focuses on multidisciplinary approach with the main subject covering the social science, science, technology, health, education, economics, and other fields.
SRMJR's published with the frequency of publishing three (3) times a year i.e. in March-June Period, July-October Period and November-February Period. All submitted manuscripts will be processed and selected by the journal editorial team and reviewed by the reviewer team through a double-blind review process to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.
Jurnal Indonesia Pendidikan Profesi Guru
Jurnal Indonesia Pendidikan Profesi Guru (JIPPG), (in English: Indonesian Journal of Professional Teacher Education) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of teacher professional education. The journal Aims to promote excellence through the dissemination of high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, School Counselors, Academicians, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in the field of teacher professional education through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: Jurnal Indonesia Pendidikan Profesi Guru
Parallel Title: Indonesian Journal of Professional Teacher Education
Initial: JIPPG
Abbreviation: J. Indones. Pendidik. Profesi Guru
Publication Frequency: Triannual (3) times a year i.e. in January, May and September
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3063-0797, Print ISSN 3063-0827, ISSN International Centre
Language: English, Indonesian
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Pendidikan Profesi Guru, Teacher, Teacher Education --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Jurnal Indonesia Studi Moderasi Beragama
Jurnal Indonesia Studi Moderasi Beragama (JISMB), (in English: Indonesian Journal of Religious Moderation Studies) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of religious moderation studies. The journal Aims to promote excellence through dissemination of high-quality research findings, and provide a platform for Researchers, Academicians, Professionals, Teachers, Students and Education Practitioners around the world to promote and discuss new issues and developments in the field of religious moderation through a scientific approach.
Journal Title: Jurnal Indonesia Studi Moderasi Beragama
Parallel Title: Journal of Religious Moderation Studies
Initial: JISMB
Abbreviation: J. Indones. Stud. Moderasi Beragama
Publication Frequency: Biannual (2) times a year i.e. in April and October
DOI Prefix: by Crossref
ISSN: Online ISSN 3063-5020, Print ISSN 3063-6418, ISSN International Centre
Language: English, Indonesian
Accreditation: -
Focus and Scope: Religious moderation, Religious harmony, National commitment --> Show more
Indexed & Archived: GARUDA, --> Show more
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Management Style: Open Access Journals
Publishing System: Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Publisher: Academia Edu Cendekia Indonesia (AEDUCIA) -
Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam
Jurnal Kajian dan Penelitian Pendidikan Islam (JKPPI) with registered number Online ISSN 3032-6044 and Print ISSN 3032-7504 is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of Islamic Education. JKPPI Aims to promote excellence through the dissemination of high-quality research findings and provide a platform for Researchers, academics, Professionals, Teachers, Students, and Education Practitioners worldwide to promote and discuss new issues and developments in Islamic Education. through a scientific approach. The journal Focuses on Islamic studies issues, with the main subject covering all aspects of Islamic Education. and of the Islamic world.
JKKPI is published with the frequency of publishing three (3) times a year i.e. in December-March, April-July and August-November. All submitted manuscripts will be processed and selected by the journal editorial team and reviewed by the reviewer team through a double-blind review process to ensure the quality of manuscripts published in the journal.